
Hello! I’m Emma. Thank you for visiting my Salamay Tarot & Healing Arts website…

I live in South East London with my lovely kids. When I’m not reading the cards, making drums, healing others and holding events, I make shamanic inspired art, that explores our connection to the land, our spirituality and recovery.

Photo of Emma Hewitt smiling

A lifelong creative, compassionate and empathic person, after my spiritual awakening 6 years ago, a passion to help and support others through healing modalities emerged as a primary focus for my life journey.

Through my own path, I have gained insight, knowledge and wisdom to assist others on their path. It’s been a journey of deep inner work, inner child healing, clearing patterns, ancestral and past life wounding – From the wisdom gained through my own journey I provide a safe, nurturing and compassionate space to support and assist others with their own healing journeys.

Over the past five years, I have immersed myself in multiple trainings and healing modalities so I can hold space for others and provide a compassionate container where healing can happen and be supported. Life can be hard, confusing, painful, frustrating and uncertain – it’s my mission to help people in these times, and provide them with a space to work through what is troubling them and gain clarity, calm, & confidence in themselves and their life choices.

Reiki has been a powerful ally in my journey – helping me reconnect with my abilities as a healer and reawakening my psychic gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairempathy. After accidentally giving someone Reiki before I even knew what it was or how to do it, I realised that I had an untapped gift that I needed to utilise. I quickly gained my Reiki levels 1 & 2 and have been a Reiki Master and Teacher for 3 years.

Lenormand and Tarot card readings have become a really powerful way for me to connect to others and provide healing on a more conscious level. Working with the cards has helped me enhance my psychic abilities and intuitive skills to an even deeper level.

I’ve immersed myself in developing my healing practices and continue to learn more about Shamanic and Reiki Drumming for healing and connection to the spirit world.

Theta Healing has been an absolute blessing in my life – learning this modality has been a culmination of so many of my gifts and talents.

After 2 years of Family/Systemic Constellation training – I’ve been discovering innovative ways of integrating this amazing modality into my ThetaHealing Practice and Card readings.

Alongside these main strands of my business, I am also a creative, artist, theatre maker, poet, writer, dancer, storyteller, drum-maker, women’s drumming circle holder and workshop facilitator.

There’s going to be lots more opening up and happening in the future. So watch this space

“ I had an amazing reading with Emma recently. There is a lot of change on the horizon for me and I was looking for some clarity as well as understanding of what’s happening. The way Emma spoke was perfect, she brought in just enough humour and so much kindness as we went through the cards. I have never come away from a reading so satisfied and without questions and with a feeling of truly being heard. I would highly recommend her.”
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